Introduction of APEL.C

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Credit Award (APEL.C) involves evaluating an individual’s non-formal and informal learning experiences to obtain credit transfer for courses within their chosen program. The primary focus of APEL.C is assessing the individual’s capacity to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their experiences to meet the learning objectives of a course.

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Benefits of APEL.C

  1. Recognizing learning acquired from work experience and short courses;
  2. Reducing redundant learning for students;
  3. Encouraging adult candidates to enter higher education programs; and
  4. Reducing costs and time to complete studies.


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APEL.C General Policy

Higher Education Providers (HEP) planning to execute APEL.C must adhere to the following APEL.C policies:

    1. APEL.C is applicable to students enrolled through both conventional entry and APEL.A;
    2. Learning assessment encompasses knowledge acquired via Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) or any self-directed learning methods;
    3. HEP can proceed with APEL.C implementation only after obtaining MQA approval through the APEL.C application process;
    4. C can be applied across all fields and qualification levels as stipulated in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework. However, its implementation for postgraduate levels is restricted to coursework and mixed mode programs;
    5. C can only be implemented for courses within programs that have received at least Temporary Accreditation; and
    6. Courses within professional programs may qualify for APEL.C with approval from the relevant professional body, for which HEP is responsible for obtaining.
    7. Generally, the credit transfer policy through APEL.C allows for a maximum transfer of 30% of the total credits of a graduate program, in addition to existing credit transfer provisions.
    8. The scope of APEL.C implementation extends to Executive Diploma programs. The allocation of 30 credits based on 3 years of work experience, as outlined in the Executive Diploma Standard, must undergo assessment using the APEL.C instrument.
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Guideline of APEL.C