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Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Introduction of APEL.Q

APEL Programme

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualification Award (APEL.Q) involves evaluating an individual’s learning, whether formal, non-formal, or informal, derived from accumulated experience in knowledge and skills, to attain academic qualifications for the desired program. The focal point of APEL.Q lies in assessing the individual’s capability to apply the acquired learning from their experience to meet the learning objectives or body of knowledge of the program.

                                                                                  Sources From : https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel/APEL_Q/index.cfm

Benefits of APEL.Q

APEL Programme

1. Acknowledging learning obtained from formal education, work experience, and attended short courses.
2. Reducing redundant learning for students;3. Inspiring adult candidates to pursue higher education programs.
4. Reducing costs and time to complete studies.

                                                                                 Sources From : https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel/APEL_Q/index.cfm


MQA Circular Letter:

All individuals, regardless of citizenship status, are qualified to apply as candidates provided, they meet the specified minimum requirements.

b) Candidate application: meet the minimum requirements

Tahap MQFKelayakanTahun pengalaman kerja minimum dalam bidang berkaitan
3Sijil5 tahun
4Diploma10 tahun
5Diploma Lanjutan12 tahun
6Ijazah Sarjana Muda15 tahun
7Ijazah Sarjana20 tahun
8Kedoktoran25 tahun


Note: Candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements but demonstrate exceptional prior experiential learning may be evaluated on case-by-case basis.

  1. Assessment of prior experiential learning – knowledge, skills, competencies, expertise (formal, non-formal & informal).
  2. Programs with Full Accreditation status.
  3. Assessment conducted separately for each program, based on program learning outcomes/competencies.
  4. Applicable to all fields of study and all MQF qualification levels, except for programs that are entirely research-based.
  5. Professional Programs – subject to acceptance by professional bodies
  6. Higher Education Providers (HEP) that have successfully undergone APEL.Q implementation assessment will be recognized as APEL.Q Assessment Centres and awarded accreditation certification for a validity period of 5 years.

Sources From : https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel/APEL_Q/polisiumum.cfm
